Speaking at PodCamp Nashville: LiveCasting

March 7, 2009

Come hear me speak at PodCamp Nashville March 7 at 12:30 in Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management — Details here.

What exactly is “LiveCasting”? If you don’t know, it doesn’t mean you’ve been living under a rock while the rest of us media folks have vastly advanced the social media scene. No, both Christian Grantham of Nashville Is Talking and Erin Cubert at The Tennessean asked me the same question when I proposed that we do a speaker session at PodCamp Nashville 2009.

Neither of them knew what it was initially because the term “LiveCasting” was made up to describe what Erin, Christian and myself do while we’re not doing the news. Mostly this will consist of updating microblogging services (such as Twitter), adding links to Social networks (facebook, digg) and even some pre audio / video interaction (ustream, skype) prior to posting a blog post or short video clip. However, if we’re communicating with a community, it will fall under the LiveCasting umbrella.

In most places of “work” these activities are all considered an entertaining waste of time and thus, most people wouldn’t hesitate to say we “play on the Internet all day long.” That’s simply not true, even if it’s an enjoyable way to spend time. To adequately fulfill the role of  journalist in today’s world, you’ve got to become the most active member of the community while your reporting the news.

So we made up the term LiveCasting, but in reality, we’ve all been doing it for quite some time.